Saturday, December 4, 2021

Blog #6: EOTO About Other Presentation

    One of the most notable technologies that I learned about was based on Netflix and the way that it has shaped this generation. On the timeline of television, Netflix was one of the first streaming and subscription based media and video on demand. At the start of the company, Netflix was purely a movie rental service back in 2007 which operated much like Redbox where you would rent a movie and receive and return it via mail. They released their first stemming service known as “Watch Now” which limited users to 18 hours a month. The issue with this service is that it was only accessible through browsers on a computer. By 2008 to 2010, they were able to partner with electronic companies such as Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo Wii, Apple products, and other internet connection based products. With this new availability, the subscriptions rose to 20 million subscribers as Netflix also spreads to Canada. Netflix was then able to focus on their individual TV and movie network as they received 31 primetime Emmy nominations in 2013. By 2016, Netflix was able to expand to an additional 130 countries and programming in 21 languages. As years went on, the company would grow to 180 million subscribers and become prized with nominations for novel documentaries, hit movies, and entertaining T.V. show according to this article.

    Although Netflix gained a monumental 16 million subscribers during the COVID lockdown in 2020, their growth has slowed dramatically in 2021. As people were forced to the confines of their home during the rapid spread of Covid-19, their source of entertainment was centered around streaming services including Netflix. Not only were movie theaters shut down but production sets were derailed with the strict restrictions placed due to the virus according to this article. Although people used Netflix as a way to have entertainment, the demand for new content was more than Netflic could keep up. When Netflix releases a T.V. show, users are able to binge watch all the episodes at once as the episodes aren't released on a weekly basis. So although there was a need for entertainment, the demand was frustratingly high as people would finish a season and demand another season as soon as possible. 

    Now that COVID restrictions are being lifted and more of the population has been vaccinated, people are not as confined to their home as they were before, meaning that people are more busy to focus all their time on binging season. Theaters have also opened up which leads people to watch movies in an auditorium rather than their usual comfort of their home.

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Blog #12: Final Post

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