Thursday, December 9, 2021

Blog #11: Living in the Age of AI

    When people think of artificial intelligence, they automatically correlate it with the narrative of robots overthrowing the human race and taking over Earth. Though after watching the documentary, I’ve come to the conclusion that there are other factors that play into the creation of artificial intelligence. One of the quotes that really resonated with me is when the inventor who made Baby X mentioned that the potential of artificial intelligence is limited to the creator. This means that artificial intelligence isn’t going to be able to adapt and integrate past the way that it is coded. People have it ingrained in their head that robots are going to be able to harness the quality of manipulation and overpower the way that humans processed its technology. Though that’s simply not the case because creators can hard wire and apply technical features to make it mimic a human, though at the end of the day it simply does not have a soul connected to a consciousness where emotion and feeling is ingrained in them. It seems that they are trying to construct Baby X with a humanlike consciousness though its reactions and responses are still centered around the way it is programmed. One of the main arguments said in the video is that their goal is to, “enhance humans not replace humans”. Their purpose is not to generate another species but to develop different aspects where Artificial Intelligence can improve lives. An example of this is the two men who were able to put on a digital based hand where its actual thoughts translated into the movement of the additional appendage.

    Though with anything that has advantages there are also downfalls. According to this article, “more than 72% of Americans expressed worry about a future in which machines [will] perform many human jobs”. I think that this is a valid reason as companies will be able to use machines instead of paying workers which would cause job loss and increase the gap between the lower class and the upper 1%. As reported by this article, “Robots could replace as many as 2 million more workers in manufacturing alone by 2025”. The creators of artificial intelligence should continue to focus on the smaller groups of people whose lives would significantly change and not the money hungry corporations who could easily take advantage of this advanced technology. Overall, I think that artificial intelligence is a slippery slope where it has high positives and high negatives.

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